Today for the first time we had a combined fellowship with the team from Bangalore, There were in total 15 in number who had come to visit Darjeeling along with their staffs. They were escorted by our NE staffs Mr. Sagar Ghishing (former Darjeeling ICCC staff)and Mr. Vishal Rongong
.We really had a blessed time with them as we shared our testimonies, and time together. We had the guest team perform some new songs and actions songs for us and all in all we were all very blessed. We had the word of God from their Staff Mr. P.D Joseph, the worship was lead by our LIFE-NET member Mr. Joseph Chettry and Conduct by our MC Mr. Pawan Thapa.
After a light refreshment and lot of memorable interactions we all departed as the team members prayed for each other in exchange. We the host team even presented them with a small postcard to each guest team members as a souvenir of remembrance.
We the Darjeeling CSC team are very blessed to have them here and we surely do miss them all.
And we would also like to thank our two escort staffs for bringing the whole team to Darjeeling and meeting them with us.
May God bless you all
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